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martes, 30 de mayo de 2017


Hi everyone!!

Today I'm going to explain a trip made with my classmates. This activity was done on 11th May. It was a different day.

We met at eight o'clock in the morining to take a bus to Palma. The bus stopped in fornt of  "La Seu", a very famous cathedral and one of the most beautiful in Spain.

We walked till we arrived at the entry of the "Parlament". Once there, we had to wait a few minutes. A guy called Bernat guided us during all the morning in the "Parlament".

When we were inside, Bernat gave us an explanation and we asked him some questions. He asked us if we knew who Balti Picornell was and I answered that I knew him and actually he is from Cas Concos like me.

After that he showed to us all the building. He made some comparisions between the activities done there a few years ago and nowadays.

After visiting all the rooms, Bernat brought us to the "Sala de diputats" and he explained where every goverment employer was placed and we sat there. 

Finally Bernat took a group photo that I attach below.

As a last stop of the trip we visited "Consell de la Unió Europea". There they showed us some slides to explain the tasks done there. Afer seeing the slides a lot of questions were asked and some topics were discussed.

All in all, it was a very productive and funny day.

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017


Today in class our partner Hicham, brought a small tasting.
Small sweets prepared in his house because a new member of the family has been born.

A week after the birth of the newest member of and them the family, they kill one or two lambs, the family meets and eat together to celebrate it.

And for dessert, these delcious candies.

And to accompany these delicious candies, we hat brougt peach juice.

Here you can see a picture of my friend Alejandra and me, happy with our candy.

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017


Today with this hot weather, good day to show you the area of Colonia de Sant Jordi beaches,
The port of Colonia de Sant Jordi stretches throughout the coastal area and the municipality of Ses Salines. It starts with the small beach "Platja d´es Port" and from there you can access the beach “Es Dolç”, which stretches up to “Es Carbó” passing by a small beach called “Ses Roquetes” to finish on the beach “Es Caragol”.


Platja d'es Port is 13 kilometers from Campos and next to the coast village Colònia de Sant Jordi, which has been a salt mining center, a shelter for fishermen or a smuggler meeting place. It is one of the main tourist, holiday and residential areas of the island of Mallorca.
One of the best things about this beach is that it has a high level of vigilance and has access for the disabled.



Cala “Es Dolç” stretches up to the most Eastern point of Ses Salines and Colònia de Sant Jordi located 1 km away: "El Cap Salines". The only access to these beaches, as well as to other neighbouring beaches is on foot.
At the head of the beach there are pines providing shadows and the water is clean and clear. The quiet splash in the waters off these beaches is highly appreciated by families with children, since once in water there are not sudden depth changes.


Es Trenc Beach starts with the playa Els Estanys. It is one of my favourite beaches, I usually go there on summer Sundays, as very close to it, is the famous "S'embat" a small evening galas place next to the sea, with music and a great atmosphere to finish on Sunday.


On the western side of Colònia de Sant Jordi, next to the emblematic salt lakes of its ancient salt mines is located the beach “Ets Estanys”. This beach is often the most used walking access to the beach “Es trenc”.


From the Colonia de Sant Jordi port, bordering the coast along the beach “Es Dolç” about 1.5 km and a 30 minutes walk, is the beautiful beach “Es Carbó”.


This beach, together with “Cala en Tugores” are the most southern beaches of the island and have very fine sand.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017


Playa mar is a four stars hotel with 163 apartaments with separate bedrooms and 5 studios. It is just fifty metres from the beach, next to Serra de Tramuntana.

There is wifi in common areas and rooms. When I was there it was two years ago but last year was restored and it is much better now. Everything was included. There was a restaurant with show cooking service, with a few theme nights: Japanese, Spanish, Majorcan or Mexican. I really enjoyed the Mexican night.

There is a cafe and a pool bar where the staff is very frendly as well. There is also a splash zone with slides I suppose because there were a lot of children. There is also a fantastic spa  just for adults.

I really had a good time there. It is  better for families with children, but if you travel without children I prefer the other hotel I told to you before (Mar Senses).

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017


Encara no havíem publicat la recepta de l’arròs brut i no podia ser… Aprofitat ara que hi ha esclata-sangs, perquè ens hi agraden molt.
L'arròs brut és un dels meus plats preferits, cada dos diumenges per costum din d'arròs brut a casa.
Aquí vos deix els ingredients que es solen utilitzar i la preparació, però a partir de això a cada casa o fan al seu gust.
I amb diferència a tots, l'arròs brut que pas de gust a l'any de menjar “l'arròs brut de matances”.

Ingredients per a 4 persones:
  • 700 g de carn variada (pollastre, faraona, colomí, guàtleres, costella de porc, conill…)
  • un fetge de conill o de pollastre
  • ½ ceba mitjana
  • 1 all
  • 1 tomàtiga
  • 100 g de mongetes tendres
  • 150 g d’esclata-sangs
  • uns brots de julivert
  • 5 cullerades d’oli d’oliva
  • 300 g d’arròs
  • uns brins de safrà
  • sal
  • pebre bo
  • 2 litres d’aigua
No fa falta posar tots els ingredients de carn i verdura mencionats, només uns quants, però com més se n'hi posin més gustós serà l'arròs. 


Tallau la carn a trossos regulars i salpebrau-la. Netejau les mongetes i els esclata-sangs i posau-los a degotar.
Pelau la ceba i picau-la ben fina.
Posau una olla al foc amb 2 litres d’aigua. Quan bulli, abaixau el foc al mínim.
Posau una greixonera al foc amb l’oli i sofregiu-hi la carn fins que sigui ben rossa. Incorporau-hi ara la ceba i coeu-la a poc foc. Al cap de 10 minuts, afegiu-hi la tomàtiga. Quan tengui un aspecte brillant, incorporau-hi els esclata-sangs i les mongetes i feis-ho coure 5 minuts més.
Abocau-hi ara l’aigua bullent i feis coure el conjunt al mínim.
Mentrestant, torrau el fetge. Picau l’all dins el morter. Afegiu-hi el safrà un poc torrat, el julivert trinxat i el fetge. Picau bé la mescla fins que es faci una pasta.
Quan la carn sigui pràcticament cuita, comprovau el punt de sal i rectificau si fos precís. Tirau-hi l’arròs. Al cap de 5 minuts, abocau-hi el contingut del morter i acabau de coure’l durant 5-7 minuts més (al vostre gust).

Podeu acompanyar-lo de rave, olives trencades, ravanets, pebre verd… A ca meva normalment sempre l'acompanyam amb pebre verd o ravanets.



Hoy con mucho gusto os enseñaré a cocinar una de las mejores cocas mallorquinas, mi preferida, COCA DE TRAMPO.

En mi casa tenemos la costumbre de siempre que tenemos invitados a comer o cenar, para picar siempre cocinar una coca de trampo.


  • 1 vaso de agua del tiempo
  • 3/4 vaso de aceite de girasol
  • una pizca de sal
  • 500 gr de harina
  • 3 pimientos verdes
  • 1 pimiento rojo
  • 1 cebolla grande
  • 2 tomates grandes maduros
  • 2 dientes de ajo
  • sal
  • pimienta negra
  • pimenton dulce
  • aceite de oliva

Aquí os dejo la pequeña explicación, para que intentéis prepararla, aseguro que esta deliciosa.

Y un muy buen consejo para que sea totalmente deliciosa, una de las mejores tiendas para comprar los ingredientes para cocinarla,

En el final del post encontrareis la dirección de la tienda, ECOMARIAN.

Primero hacemos la masa:

En un bol añadimos el vaso de agua, el vaso de aceite y la sal. Vamos removiendo y vamos echando la harina poco a poco a medida que vamos amasando... una vez hecha la masa la dejamos dentro del bol, porque de mientras haremos el trampó.

Cortamos en trozos los pimientos verdes y rojos (no muy pequeños porque luego se queman), cortamos la cebolla y el tomate en tiras no muy finas, y los dientes de ajo los troceamos muy pequñitos. Todo esto lo ponemos en un bol y lo aliñamos con el aceite de olvia, la sal, la pimienta y el pimenton dulce... lo removemos bien.

Ahora precalentamos el horno a 200Cº. Cogemos la masa y la ponemos dentro de una bandeja de horno, la estiramos bien con el rodillo, y le hacemos rebordes en todos los bordes, pinchamos bien con un tenedor toda la masa. Y por último encima de la masa añadimos el trampó (sin el líquido del aliñado), por encima lo rociamos un poco con aceite de oliva, sal, pimienta y pimentón dulce. Lo introducimos en el horno entre 30-45 minutos, depende del horno y listo. Espero que os guste. 

lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017


Buenos días a todos!!!

Hoy os hablaré sobre un hotel, que tiene algo especial que mucha gente busca, un hotel solo para adultos, un hotel con mucha tranquilidad, un hotel con todas las cosas que busca una persona para poder relajarse, desconectar y pasar un buen fin de semana.

Yo de momento no he tenido la oportunidad de pasar un día o unos días allí, pero mis padres si, y os contaré las cosas mas importantes y impresionantes.

El Mar Senses Puerto de Pollensa tiene algo que me gusta mucho a mi y a mucha gente, te permitirá disfrutar de un ambiente exclusivo y elegante en una de las zonas más emblemáticas de Mallorca. Esta completamente reformado desde 2016, dispone de cómodas y agradables zonas comunes, piscina con jacuzzy, solárium, restaurante, snack bar, spa, gimnasio y un gran equipo de animación y espectáculos que haran tu estancia inolvidable.

Cerca del Mar Senses Puerto de Pollensa encontrará diversos bares, restaurantes y locales de ocio nocturno.


Hola, ja torn ser aquí, avui toca xerrar de una de ses meves petites cales preferides, ES CALÓ DES BORGIT, una cala que esta situada entre Cala Mondragó i cala barca.

Caló d'es Borgit es una petita cala de arena i roques, i es pot accedir a ella caminant des de Cala Mondragó o be amb cotxe.

M'agrada molt aquesta cala especialment per la netedat de l'aigua, i la tranquil·litat que hi ha.

L'altre dia pensant amb el blog, vaig visitar aquesta cala amb el meu amic Benji ja que als dos ens encanta passejar i amb la mateixa poder penjar unes fotos actuals fetes meves de aquesta cala.

sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017

CALA MONDRAGO in Portopetro


I'm here again!!!  Today I will tell you about a beach that is located near my house, in the village of Portopetro. The beach has a path that leads to another Beach called S'Amarador. You can go there walking or swimming. It is a typical beach where my friends and I usually spend the summer. It can be reached by car or by public transport. 

The village of Portopetro has lots of places to visit and other beaches around. It has a very good cuisine, a yacht club where different sports can be practised.

Our friend Marcus Walz, who won the canoe Gold Medal at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games, he trains in Portopetro club. There are also sailing routes, which is a lot of fun.

I was there last week with two friends and we took a panoramic photo!

viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017



Today I will talk about a bit different theme in my blog, to tell you that my colleagues and did an activity in class on Sant Jordi's day.
For me it was a funny activity, because each of us started a story, the first thing that came to our  mind, and every minute we passed on the narration to classmate next to us, and finally the last one closed the story.
We had a lot of fun, thinking it was a wonderful idea. At the end each read his story loud, and we all laughed a lot.
I recommend this activity to anyone who wants to have a good time and laugh.

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017


Hello, today I was inspired and I thought that the best option today is to speak to you of one
 of the most beautiful villages in Mallorca from my point of view.

I'll tell you about Soller, sometime ago I spent a fantastic day there with my partner, I advise
every person who has the opportunity to go and visit this beautiful place.

My recommendation is to go to Soller by car, walk for a little while and then take the train to
Puerto de Soller. There you can go for a nice walk around the port and eat a good paella
with a beautiful view of the sea in front.

Here I show you a photo of the views of this restaurant and the delicious paella!! 

And if you have eaten and strolled around the port, and you still have some time, I recommend
a visit to Fornalutx, which is a small town with some charming streets.